Forum Rules
No Rude content
Poll questions must be votes on projectponi, if you have anything YOU want added, make a poll
No spamming
Double posts will be removed
No insults will be made to ANY of the members of the site, if we find any, your account will be banned.
If you have a question refer to our "What IS projectponi?" Page
Upon asking to join the team, your request will be deleted, all requests MUST go to for consideration
Please keep to these rules, or we will think you are 20% less cooler
~Alex Maykels
No Rude content
Poll questions must be votes on projectponi, if you have anything YOU want added, make a poll
No spamming
Double posts will be removed
No insults will be made to ANY of the members of the site, if we find any, your account will be banned.
If you have a question refer to our "What IS projectponi?" Page
Upon asking to join the team, your request will be deleted, all requests MUST go to for consideration
Please keep to these rules, or we will think you are 20% less cooler
~Alex Maykels